Animal Farm

My wife is the animal lover in our household. Now, I love animals too. With the right gravy on them…Once again, the family hits the road for a vacation without me. I have to work. I don’t mind. I can watch all the WW2 movies and westerns I want without all the whining and wringing of hands. So I get the big list for the feeding of all our little pals. Oh, and the ‘Special’ way they have to be fed. Horse’s have their bins and times. Snacks before bed. Huh? Chickens, ducks, pea cocks, etc, special grains and corn servings. Dogs have meals heated in the winter. What the? Koi, turtles, cats, even the wild Ravens, have long notes on their proper care. Hey, guess what? They eat the way I feed them. Fast and no sissy crap. Do I ever lose one? NO! Once again, I give them some hard love. As I toss some grain to the chickens and reach for the gate, an egg hits the gate top, just missing me. I turn. All are pecking at the ground…

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